Our Services
Since 1993, we’ve designed, renovated and facilitated a number of unique plants, factories, buildings and structures across the United Kingdom. Additionally, we have set-up, facilitated and closely managed a number of successful businesses in a whole diversity of sectors - we love a challenge. No matter the project, our goals are to always enhance customer experience, simplify processes, improve businesses and maximise efficiency - all through the direction of talented people. Check out some of our most recent projects below, and be sure to schedule a consultation today.
Industrial Process & Plant
Retail Construction
Drive Thru Construction
Full Encompassing Building Services
HVAC & All Technical Services (Heating/Electrical/AC/Design)
Drains, Civils & Utilities
Air Filtration
R&D & Innovation
WCS EV Charging Points
Plant and Machinery Hire
Haulage & Transport
Reduced Height Cubicles
Contact EHL UK
The Oaks Centre
Whinfield Drive
Durham Way South
Aycliffe Business Park
01325 317777